July 4th, 2024

Mostly just played some more Hollow Knight today. I've been keeping this diary for over a year so you could probably tell by now, but my family doesn't really do a ton for most holidays. Anyway, I finished up the Hollow Knight randomizer I started, though I wound up looking up where the true ending item was (you don't actually need awoken dream nail to access the final boss, it's only needed for White Palace access). It was literally the only thing I had left and I was getting kind of tired of the seed at that point considering I couldn't get anything that would open up more checks, so whatever. I started a new run like right after, this time turning off most dupes and randomizing the geo rocks as well. I don't think I'm gonna do the latter again, even with deranged turned on (which forces items to not spawn at vanilla locations unless there's no other option) most geo rocks just get replaced with other geo rocks.